Electronic House

The only magazine dedicated to whole house electronic systems shows you how (and why) to automate your home...or how to find someone who can do it for you.

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A Quick Tour of Electronic House

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Only a few years ago, the concept of an automated home was still considered science fiction by most people. Today, more and more people are learning to enjoy the convenience, security, and savings of an intelligent home. But there are many options available. How do you know what your options are and what is right for you?

Electronic House magazine is THE MAGAZINE of the home automation industry. Inside Electronic House, you will find a wealth of information that includes:

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Feature Articles from Electronic House

Here are some of the Feature Articles from recent issues of Electronic House magazine. We hope you find them both interesting and useful.

Please note that while you are free to browse these pages and make a single copy for your own use, we reserve all copyrights to these materials, and copying or reprinting any portion of these articles for commercial use is expressly forbidden without the written consent of EH Publishing, Inc.

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Other Home Automation Web Sites

Here are a few of our favorite Web sites for home automation enthusiasts.

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